
Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The Golden Goose Is Finished!!!

Actually I finished him Sunday night and Amalie brought him to school Monday morning. The children needed him for "dress rehearsal" and I think they really love him!!! I know Amalie does!!!

It feels fantastic to volunteer my time and energy towards a gift that I'm hoping will be with the children for many years to come...

So what were the things I needed to do to finish? The final tweeks...?

Using a regular needle and thread, I anchored everything. I pulled the legs back a bit and anchored them to the no avail really...this goose wants to sit!!! I also tacked down all the edges of the wings to the body, again using the blind stitch. Voila! Finished...

A project is only fun for me when I can share it with others...I'd love to know what you think...or answer any questions you might have about needle felting...just ask...


  1. Oh, my, he is just beautiful, loving the golden shine to him, just delightful, a treasure for ever, many thanks for sharing. Love and light Marie

  2. Cindy
    (s)he is absolutely magnificent! Incredible work - she'll be loved to pieces!

  3. Amazing job you did! It was so fun to see the children in action with him!

  4. The biggest reward for me was the children. They LOVED him!!! When he was first uncovered in the play...the little boy held him up over his head and shouted "a golden goose!" He held the goose with such joy in his whole being! That is why I create...their love and appreciation nourishes me...
