
Friday, May 27, 2011

What to do on a rainy Sunday...

With a handful of wool yarn scraps and circles cut out of a felted up old sweater...

Make needle felted coasters of course!!!

Amalie made these...

A rainbow...

A patterned design...

A rose in the sun...

What did Mama make for our new circular table? Placemats of course! Circles cut from coordinating flannel...sewn right sides together and reversed. Then ironed flat and
sewn in a spiral pattern towards the center. These are reversible... one side pink... one side peach.

Here is our beautiful table...


  1. Just lovely, a beaut rainy day activity. cheers Marie

  2. How do you sew in a spiral pattern like that?

  3. Cheers to you too Marie. Thanks for taking the time to look at my beginners work. :)

    I just started at the outer edge and spiraled in. My sewing machine has a speed faster and then slow down when you get closer to the center. My centers are always kind of "free form"...meaning it's really hard to make true spirals as I get smaller...I'm sure there is a special embroidery foot that would allow for this...but I kind of like the imperfection of it. Thanks for looking and asking...
